Dental Clinic

Dental Clinic

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Welcome to our dental practice

We are very proud of the quality of our dentistry, we offer an excellent quality price and we guarantee your well-being. We want to make your visits a pleasant experience.
Good dental health for you and your family through preventive dentistry is our goal. This means giving you regular advice - helping you understand how to care for your teeth to reduce the need for dental treatment.
Providing friendly and pleasant dental care to the nervous or fearful patient is a very important part of our practical philosophy as we know that many people are afraid to go to the dentist. Our tranquility in a relaxed environment can help overcome these fears.
Your comments and questions about any aspect of our practice are always welcome. If you need any additional information, please do not hesitate to ask.

  • General dentistry

    The first area of dental treatment is general dentistry. This area focuses on ensuring good oral health and hygiene and preventing cavities or gum disease. Most people see a dentist when they feel pain or when they want a radical change.

    Before radical change is made, it is important to ensure good oral health.

    Regular check ups and maintenance of oral health prevent the development of serious dental problems that require expensive dental treatments.

    It is important to keep in mind that:

    “When a person does not enjoy oral health he/she is not in perfect health”

    “The cheapest form of treatment is always PREVENTION and the postponement of the treatment is to increase the difficulty in its execution”

  • Orthodontics

    Orthodontics studies the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of dental and skeletal disorders. The main function of orthodontic treatment is to restore dental occlusion (bite), which is critical for proper chewing, hence for proper nutrition and oral health, as well as a more pleasing appearance. With the reestablishment of the occlusion, problems related to breathing, swallowing, speech and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) are avoid. Improving appearance increases self-esteem.

    There are several types of devices, the so-called removable devices, traditional orthodontic appliance and recently, aligners.

    Any orthodontic treatment is a team effort between dentist and patient, and the success depends above all on patient cooperation.

    This collaboration is more relevant in aligners and removable appliances, as these are fitted in the mouth and can be removed by the patient.

    Aligners have the great aesthetic advantage of being practically invisible.

    To find out which type of appliance is most suitable for your orthodontic treatment, make an appointment with our orthodontist.

  • Dental Cosmetics

     It is inserted in the area of dentistry as an aesthetic restoration, Cosmetic Dentistry consists of the dental treatment that improves the beauty and health of your smile.

    The Best Face-Lift and Boost for Your Self-Esteem is a Beautiful Smile. A beautiful smile can improve your life, both professionally and socially. Dental cosmetics has a lot to do with the appearance - making your teeth whiter, more straight or even gums with a rich and healthy color and appealing smiles. We will take into account your cosmetic and functional needs in order to help you make your smile more beautiful. Unlike cosmetic surgery, dental cosmetics do not involve large operations.

    No pain, no stress and no stealing time from your active life.

    The results are immediate and obvious. There are several ways we can help you to have a natural, attractive, young smile. We, the experts, use the latest technologies and techniques, to offer you a comfortable and beautiful solution for all your dental cosmetic requirements. Aged teeth can now be restored to provide you with a fabulous smile at any stage of life. Discolored, spaced, chipped or defective teeth can be permanently changed.

    Dental cosmetics can significantly improve all types of smile.

  • Oral Surgery

     Oral surgery is the area of dental medicine dedicated to the diagnosis and surgical treatment of diseases, injuries and abnormalities of teeth, mouth, jaws and adjacent structures.

    The field of action is very extensive, this includes, for example, extractions of simple teeth, extractions of teeth included, removal of small lesions, frenectomies, episectomies, among others.

    Talk to your doctor about all the fears and doubts if you have to perform any surgical procedure, it is normal to be anxious.

  • Bruxism Guards / Sports

    Bruxism is a disorder characterized by involuntary grinding of teeth, which can be caused by countless reasons, among them, and more commonly, stress and anxiety. It leads to tooth wear and can cause tooth, jaw, temporomandibular joint (TMJ), head aches ... There is no cure, but we can use a mouthguard (gutter) in order to avoid contact between the teeth and maintain the patients jaw in a more relaxed position.

    We make custom silicone gutters (molded according to the patient's dental arch shape, which is why it is unique and not adaptable to anyone else), that guarantee superior comfort, helping to protect the teeth, whether from bruxism or traumas that may occur while playing sports.

  • Flexible Partial or Complete Removable Prostheses

     With the introduction of Removable Flexible Prostheses, no one notices that you have tooth faults. For more than five decades, partial flexible prostheses were the preference of patients seeking a method of tooth replacement that was aesthetically pleasing, comfortable and affordable. Flexible partials are cheaper than dental implants and dental bridges and do not require surgery or invasive procedures. When compared to traditional metal partial dentures, Flexible Removable Prostheses offer better aesthetics, comfort and durability. In fact, they are made from an unbreakable nylon resin and each prosthesis comes with a guarantee against breakage or fracture.

    For a long time it was thought that the removable partial dentures had to be rigid to be effective. The innovation of Removable Flexible Prostheses allows the restoration to adapt to the constant movement and flexibility of your mouth. This is the underlying thinking behind our innovative Removable Flexible Dentures. The flexibility, combined with strength and lightness, give you total comfort and a formidable appearance!

    Flexible removable dentures are custom-made in a dental laboratory. They are subject to prescription and we can help you understand if they are the best option for you. The preparation is relatively simple because your natural teeth do not need to undergo any changes. Flexible removable dentures are virtually invisible, since they do not have metal hooks that denounce them, and the material itself fuses with the tissue of your mouth, so that the only thing visible is your beautiful smile.

    Most people who think about putting on a partial removable denture come to realize that removable dentures are the most comfortable option and that the final restoration can be done quickly. Although the cost is higher than a partial denture with visible metal hooks, the results of the partial flexible prosthesis are more pleasant and the level of customer satisfaction is quite high. Removable Flexible Prostheses involve non-invasive procedures and make you feel confident while talking, eating and, above all, when you smile!

  • Implantology

    Implantology is dedicated to oral rehabilitation through the placement of dental implants to replace missing teeth.

    Dental implants are made of a titanium alloy that is biocompatible with our body.They offer a fixed solution,the most similar to our own teeth, being a more attractive option to the removable prosthesis.

    They can be used to replace a missing tooth or even the entire dental arch.

    When it comes to dental arch rehabilitation, the recognized All-on-4 technique is generally used, which consists of introducing 4 implants in specific locations, then placing a fixed prosthesis supported by the implants.

    Currently, implants have a high success rate, and are increasingly an option widely used by patients.

  • Periodontology

    Periodontology is the specialty of dental medicine that treats diseases of the gums. There are several pathologies, the most common are gingivitis and periodontitis. Currently, periodontal diseases are a major cause of tooth loss in adults.

    The main cause of these diseases is plaque and tartar or "stone" and some of the symptoms are:

    • bleeding gums when brushing

    • red gums

    • increased gum volume

    • presence of pus in the gums

    • detached gingiva ("unglued")

    • gingival retraction ("thin gums")

    • teeth that are sensitive to cold

    • bad breath and / or bad taste in the mouth

    • teeth shaking and separating

    Periodic dental cleaning, with a maximum period of six months between them, adjusted to each case and under the guidance of the Dentist, are essential in the prevention of oral health and well-being, as well as to carry out the early diagnosis of the disease.

  • Dentistry

    Dentistry is the area of dental medicine responsible for the aesthetics and restoration of the lesions of the teeth, either traumatic or caries, so that the tooth returns to its aesthetic, anatomical and functional function. The treatment is performed with materials that replace the structure of the lost tooth. Increasingly, the materials used are resin-based compounds but sometimes the amalgam is still used.

  • Endodontics

    The purpose of Endodontics is to preserve the tooth by preventing, diagnosing, treating and controlling changes in pulp and peri-radicular tissues. The most commonly performed technique known as devitalisation is cleaning the pulp space (when it is inflamed and without vitality), fill it with a bio-compatible material to seal the dental channels and hinder the entry of bacteria.This treatment is usually completed in 2 or 3 consultations, at the end the crown of the tooth will be rebuilt through a restoration.

    When the pulp has no vitality, if this type of treatment is not performed it will lead to tooth extraction.

  • Teeth Whitening

    There are several techniques of tooth whitening. Here at the Clinica Pacifico, we perform the treatment on an outpatient system. This type of bleaching consists of making a personalized tray and after explaining how to use the tray and apply the product, the patient can carry it out at home. This process will be accompanied by several revision appointments until the desired result is obtained.

    We also offer solutions for devitalized teeth. Do not miss the smile you want, make an appointment!

  • Anxious patients

    People of all ages are affected by anxiety during dental visits. For most people this is not a factor that keeps them away from their routine appointments and treatments, but for others this phobia can pose a serious problem. If you suffer from mild anxiety or debilitating phobia, you can rest assured that your comfort is our top priority.

    - Our whole team spares no effort to make your visit a relaxed and positive experience

    - We take time to listen to your concerns and to rigorously explain all the processes that will be carried out during your appointment

    - We are highly qualified in painless dentistry

    We assure you that you are not alone in this, many people feel nervous but we are here to help you.

  • Oral Hygiene

    The best remedy is always prevention, to prevent oral problems we must be very careful about our oral hygiene.

    Many oral health problems are often the price to pay for not properly cleaning your teeth and gums, performing these hygiene measures, is not complicated or time-consuming.

    Dental brushing and the use of dental floss have the function of removing plaque and preventing its growth and consequently prevent the appearance of caries.

    Several factors can influence proper oral hygiene: The type of brush - the brush head should be small with soft, round bristles. The teeth should be brushed at least 2 times a day (ideally 3 times) for 2 minutes. Brushing teeth should be done methodically by cleaning the gingival margins on both sides with a circular "shaking" action and masticatory surfaces.

    The hygiene of the spaces between the teeth should be done not only to remove food remains, but also because it is necessary to disorganize the bacterial colonies in these areas contributing to the prevention of cavities, gingivitis, periodontitis and halitosis. For this, use dental floss or interdental brushes of appropriate size to each case as advised by your dentist.

    The technique for using the floss is to wrap a generous portion of dental floss around the middle fingers and, with the help of the index finger and thumb, gently make "sawdust" movements, insert into the contact point of the tooth, then move the rope up and against each surface of the teeth involved. In the end, you should slightly insert the floss into the gum space without causing discomfort to avoid traumatizing the gum.

    In addition, you should brush the tongue because the adherent germs on the back of the tongue can contribute to both the spread of bacteria as for halitosis (bad breath).

    The tongue should be reddish in color without the presence of a whitish or even yellowish layer.

    Having a healthy mouth is very important to have a healthy and balanced body!

  • Implantology

    Implantology is the specialty of Dentistry dedicated to oral rehabilitation through the placement of dental implants to replace missing teeth.


According to Law 144/2015 we inform you that in case of dispute, the competent court will be the Consumer Arbitration Center of the Algarve Tribunal Arbitral. - -

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